It’s gonna be a good life, good life, good life, oh, it’s gonna be a good life, good life, good life: Oh, please tell me what is there to complain about. – One Republic
Looking back over a year of blessings.
1. I finished my master’s project; I will graduate in a year.
2. I mentored my first student teacher.
3. I received recognition for, and attended, a national journalism teaching conference in Reno, NV.
4. I climbed the Great Wall of China outside of Beijing.
5. My little sister went on a mission to Australia; I am so proud of her!
6. I was in four places at once: Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.
7. 10 years ago November I went through the Seattle, WA temple; what a blessing that has continually been in my life.
8. I floated the Great Salt Lake (it smells).
9. I travelled through the Baltic countries including Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Finland, Estonia, and Russia.
10. I was chosen to do district level training of the new 2010 Common Core State Standards.
11. The Lion’s Roar student newspaper, for the first time ever, is being printed with two pages of color!
As I look back over the year 2011 I realize it has in many ways been like many others, with ups and downs,tears and laughter, but when I look back on the year as a whole, I ask myself: what is there to complain about? I have good friends, a wonderful family, faith, a good job, and a belief in the goodness of others. I have challenges, but also opportunities. I have grown in faith, experience, and knowledge. It’s been a good year; it's been a good life. And I thank my Heavenly Father for that.