Monday, November 21, 2011

A Trip to the Newsroom

Life has a strange way of turning around in circles.

I graduated from this journalism program several years ago, and last week I took my newspaper students to see the news studios and print offices at my alma mauter.

It was a strange moment of deja vu in reverse. I remember as a broadcast student at this university watching tours of high school students and Boy Scouts roaming the newsroom and each time wondering and even speculating that someday I too would be bringing in a group of kids to the newsroom.

Life has a strange way of turning around in circles.


Sara said...

I still remember that awesome news report you did that we got to watch! You were commentating on sports, and I think you made some sort of blooper, and then afterwards were laughing and covering your face with your papers, not knowing you were still on air. Fantastic memory!!! :)

Katrina said...

Your students are so lucky to have a teacher they enjoy going on an outing with. Can I be 17 once more for just a day?