So, good thing my hair turned out looking alright, otherwise I think I would have literally killed the girl cutting my hair! But she thinned my hair without asking, and I know, it looks okay, as witnessed by these pictures, but wow. This was not the normally thinning with the little tooth-like sheering scissors, she grabbed chunks of my hair up along the crown of my head and just chopped! I have about 10 or so little globs of hair that are only 1/8th of an inch long! You can feel them through the top of my head, and the only comparison I can come up with is that my head feels like a recently clipped dog head! It is so bizarre I can't stop touching it! I am going to develope a really weird idiosyncrasy if my hair doesn't grow soon. People will think I am scratching for fleas! Great, now on my list of things to look for in a man I need to add, *doesn't like to touch female hair*, because my head feels like a dog on top! The worst thing is, I will have what my family affectionately calls a "Utah-Bomp" in a few months when the top of my head grows out and I will have a lot more volumne on top than on bottom! AHHHGHHGHGH!
I thought about trying to photograph one of the little bits of hair becuase you can see them! But that would have been going too far! Feel free to come feel my hair if you want to. *sigh*