Friday, November 25, 2005

The Rites of Youth

I laughed last night as I lay in bed. I realized that I could hear my sister's (15) stereo playing Yellow Card right above me, (She has occupied my room the last few years since I moved out). I laughed because I suddenly realized that all my relative-guests, and my little brother all growing up could probably hear my Nirvana and Greenday and Guns and Roses or whatever else I "wasn't supposed to listen to," seeping through the floorboards in my upstairs bedroom. I so cautiously turned it down low, so that my parents didn't know "what kind of music," I was listening to! Now I realize, no matter how low you turn it, whomever is sleeping right below you can hear it just fine! I couldn't sleep, listening to my sister's music blaring, and I contemplated running up stairs and yelling at her to turn it off, or throwing something up to the ceiling to make a convienient bang! to make her turn it off. And it was then I realized, that no one ever once came up stairs to make me turn off the music my dad called, "long-haired-people" music, and no one ever let me know they could hear my musical selections through the floorboards. And even though, I tossed and turned in bed for over an hour, I went to sleep--smiling.


Scully said...

Hee. How funny. My parents couldn't really complain about my music, since my mom listened to Creedence Clearwater Revival and my dad listened to Steppenwolf and rode a Harley in their youth. They actually complained most about the Mariah Carey tapes I listened to in the early 90's. Not Green Day or Tonic.

Missy said...

No one could hear my music over my I think I am safe. ;) It is ironic how roles change so suddenly isn't it?

Panini said...

LOL! That is great! Who ever knew! That totally makes me laugh!

Panini said...

Did you get home safe? Where are you?

Unknown said...

I'm realizing how tolerant my dad really was. I mentioned the next day Brooke's music, and he said, oh,ho, ho, I could hear all of your music all the time! And never said anything. (We think we are so sneaky don't we?) And are parents are really just letting us be kids!