Monday, July 14, 2008

The Fade

Disclaimer: I have been 1200 miles away from my social life for three weeks now, and am not then obviously dating anyone here in the motherland so this is not about me.

I have watched and am currently watching friends get in and out of relationships and have had a few myself. And what I want to know is, what is worse--the pre-mature DTR or the FADE? They can be equally debilitating I am sure, and each situation has it's call for one or the other, although personally I try to avoid both either doing either or having either done to me, although in single life I suppose it is inescapable. I can't make a blanket statement as to which one is better than the other, although I would have to say "the fade," is much worse in my eys than a little open communication. I think guys are crazy to think girls don't know when they are being phased-out, but guys and girls both can feel equally slighted when they are not given a long enough chance to be-gotten-to-know, if you will. Again, I'm not referring to anything or anyone in particular, but sometimes I wonder if a little open communication wouldn't just change the world? So Fade or pre-mature DTR? You decide.

(P.S. For those of you who have read/seen Wives and Daughters, if those crazy people just had a little open communication in their relationships, a lot of people would have been a lot happier, a lot sooner!)


JMadd said...

OK - So I have some ideas about this. Of course, we women, would prefer the DTR where they tell us to our face that they're just not that into us. From our perspective, this is a much better approach because it just clears things up. However, men do not want to hurt a woman's feelings so they do the whole avoiding thing because they think if they don't have to tell her face-to-face that it's not gonna happen, that they can't actually be held responsible for hurting her feelings because they didn't say anything. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's just how they are.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you! But the fade/trying to avoid responsiblity for hurting your feelings thing leaves girls feeling so ambiguous.

Missy said...

DTR, absolutely! Fading is cruel.