Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Help! Advice.

So, that guy I kissed in CA, I have been emailing him, and we have talked on the phone a few times, now he is UT having major life threatening type surgery at Utah Valley, and I didn't know about it, until today, when his brother sent out a mass-email to his contacts about a blog they are keeping updates on his condition on. So, my question is, what do I do? anything? I emailed him after I found out, hope that's not awkward, kind of a good luck type thing, but ideas? We aren't in a relationship so, but still...what is called for? This is like a life time television movie. :)


Panini said...

hope he's okay!

Unknown said...

Thanks to those of you who called and/or emailed me with advice on this one! I actually decided to call him on the phone to say hi, which I did and he was suprisingly humorous about the whole thing, and said, "I told you I would find a way to come to Utah to see you!" Anyway, I don't know that I will visit him, unless he calls me or says something, maybe I should send a card?