Thursday, September 20, 2007

Conspiracy Theory

You know how there was always that one teacher that you had your suspicions about? For me it was Mr. Swartz, 10th grade, Chemisty. He had a toupee, he just had to. No one's hair was that fixed. It never changed, and never moved. We speculated for hours. Now I, apparently, am the target of a conspiracy theory. Apparently, according to my 3B class, I am really a math teacher, trapped inside of an English teacher's body. Evidence: I misspell things on the white board: frequently. Guilty as charged? Who knew.


Panini said...

hah! ;)
That's better than when the school rumor was I was pregnant with twins, mind you. (because I used baby stamps I found on sale to mark quizzes - and didn't deny the queries because they amused me - Then a kid wrote a piece and submitted it to the school paper, about how I was a bad example for being single and pregnant! hah! some things are better nipped.)

Unknown said...

No, I think your story still tops mine! :)

Missy said...

It's funny to hear what the kids think! I remember some of the old, nasty teachers...that's all I will say about that!

Angie said...

Krystal--Hey! I found your blog through Missy's. I saw your picture that she posted, didn't believe that it was you, then read that it was! You look great! Now I'm checking out your blog and trying to figure out what you've been up to for the past 5 years (I'm guessing that you're a teacher at PHS...good thing it's not at PMS. And you recently kissed a guy in CA. Nice.) Anyway...I'll be back! It's great to check on old friends.
Ciao, Esperanza.

Scully said...

I though Mr. Swartz was bald from mercury poisoning and that Mr. Teitzel was the one whose hair didn't move (and according to my YW, still doesn't)? I could be totally wrong and thinking of the wrong Mr. Swartz.

Unknown said...

Scully, yeah, Mr. Swartz the chemistry teacher, not Mr. Swartz the math teacher. Although I did think Mr. Swartz the math teacher hated me...

Angie, it is good to hear from you! Missy keeps me up to date somewhat on what you are Rob are up to! Yes I teach at PHS,yeah, that was me in that photo, I don't think we have seen each other for several years! Hope your family is doing great!