Monday, February 05, 2007

Condoms Huh?

So, as you know I was presenting my paper Escape not Death: The Madness of the Metamorphosis on Friday at the UCUR conference, which went really well. But--the real drama happened while I was gone. Okay, background. Michelle and I have been having our students read a play by Steve Martin called, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and we had the students perform a scene. Michelle and I brought props from home, hats, scarves, shalls, jackets, vests, and little did we know one of our students had slipped a condom into one of the vest pockets. It remained there, for about 4 days, but it also remained a fun little secret with the boys all over the 10th grade! Yep, they circulated the fact that there were condoms in Ms. E's and Mrs. W's classroom. One "brave" student on Friday taunted Michelle and told her that there was a suprise in the vest. She was like, don't be dumb what is it. He withdrew the condom and laughing threw it into the middle of the classroom. Yeah, glad I wasn't there for that one! Can you image? Half the class was hysterical, and the other half were shocked out of their seats. Why do I get to miss all the fun? Jk.


Panini said...

Scully said...

I hope your fellow teacher acted totally blase (can't figure out how to add an accent) because registering shock would have just play into their hands. I think, to some extent (not the naked billboard extent, but to some extent) that the Europeans have it right, if it is accepted as a part of life, then the shock is gone and the power those boys thought they wielded would have been nullified.

Unknown said...

kids these days...

Missy said...

To funny! Mostly for the fact that, what do you say to that. I think Scully has the right idea there. "Oh, just another day with condoms." LOL