Monday, February 12, 2007

Leaving Me Wanting More...

Gosh, a little taste here and there of the good life leaves you wanting more. I guess you take the good with the bad and focus on the good and be satisfied, enjoy life! I went to a grammar workship this weekend and my prof. who helped me get my job at PHS told me she was recommending me to other schools that are hiring, telling them how wonderful I was! Then at the Ms. Pulitizer Prize event Panini and I went to, I ran into my prof. who is helping me publish and took me to the UCUR conference was saying what a "brillian academic writer," she thinks I am, and put in a plug for graduate school again. Its nice to feel recognized! But today was a slightly disasterous day at school, it happens and you think hmmm, w here was the euphoria from before? Or, you get an email from a hot man, you go out with some hot guys over the weekend which Panini and I did, (the good-life-feeling), then you have 16 years old hit on you and creepy men at gas stations and you was that again? I'm convinced you just have to take the sweet moments and let them float you through the raunchy ones! That's life!

I will have to say Ms. Pulitizer Prize read her work to us, and I thought wow, if you could just transfer all the beauties of life, even the harsh realities of life--which in their own way are moments of grace, and are thus beautiful, onto paper, you could leave a peice of your soul, the peice of her soul, although not her own life experiences were so aesthetic and beautiful. I truely believe we are all aethetic and beautiful in our own ways. I wish sometimes we could really see people's souls.


I guess I just have the desire sometimes to do soemthing beautiful, to be something beautiful, to leave a mark on the world in my own unique way..."Oh, that I were an Angel," as Alma says....


Panini said...

Too true.

Missy said...

"sigh" same here. Awesome about your prof. high opinion though!

Unknown said...

you are beautiful!