Monday, November 03, 2008

To Save the World or Not...

Teachers are what is know as "exempt" employees which means employers can ask as much as they want of you and not pay you extra for it. Usually they do try to compensate, but often they do not.

I currently teach 11th grade American Lit, 10th grade "regular" English, and journalsim where it is a circus as I attempt to corral 13 students into publishing a monthly newspaper. I am also the school's PR person, which means I am responsible with spamming the community with the wonderful-ness of our high school!

Today they came to me and asked me if I would work for $25 dollars a night teaching night school, to our less-than-desirable-bunch that there is not room for in the alternative school.

I have until tommorrow to give them my final answer.


Relaxed Cat said...

haven't you already been feeling stressed and busy?

Katie said...


JMadd said...

I have 1 word... NOT WORTH IT! OK, that's 3 words, but I don't think you should take on any more stress for just $25. You'd spend that in Prozac because teaching Night School would make you crazy.

Missy said...

My first response was to run away, very very fast.

Duludes said...

Just say No!

Missy said...

I just don't think it's worth it. Sad to say...and who would take that job anyway? ANd how do they even get those kind of kids to NIGHT SCHOOL?? I do think you have enough on your plate already!

Treat Queen said...

They keep asking you because you keep saying yes. Break the cycle.

Relaxed Cat said...

right on with Treat Queen - take care of you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the support guys, I am going to tell them no!