Thursday, October 23, 2008

Second-Born Syndrome Vindication

According to the "Does Birth Order Matter," article in the new BYU Today magazine the second child recieves 20-30 minutes less attention per day than the oldest child, which adds up to approximately 3,000 less hours of energy parents put into their second child. In fact "Firstborns generally get more and better education, score higher on tests, and end up with jobs that pay more." pp 26

Read it, it's interesting, especially to those of us who are the second child!

Interestinly they don't offer any suggestions really on how to change it, and says coming from an LDS family doesn't really make a difference in these statistics. I guess just being aware of it will help all us pay more attention to our current/future second children!


Missy said...

Wow, talk about a guilt burger! I went I hugged my #2 extra tonight. Although it does beg to question what a third born middle child would face, doesn't it? ;)

Missy said...

That's crazy but very realistic!! It makes me sad...especially being a 2nd child myself too!