Sunday, January 27, 2008

In the Tradition of Bridget Jones

I'm Not Dead Yet....

In the tradition of Bridget Jones, I would like you to know on this my pre-birthday eve that I am okay being single, and my age, and that my entire body is not ~completely covered in scales underneath my clothes~ LOL. Anyway, turning the age I am and being still single hasn't been the picnic of my life, but I am doing well! I can't imagine a job I could love more, I am taking vacations and reading books, and picking up hobbies and loving my friends and family (thank you all of you for putting up with me!) and I am just fine. I have lived a full 2X years and I just, wow, get comments about my being single still at my age, so I am just here to say life is good! I love being exactly where I am at this point in my life, and you know, maybe this will be the year I meet a nice man in a reindeer sweater! LOL. So---Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!


Duludes said...

Happy Birthday. Im such a dork for some reason I was thinking it was in February. Im glad that you made a post about it. Well I hope that you get to do something fun. Oh and don't worry I will eat a piece of cake for you up here in

Scully said...

Happy Birthday, E. Hope you got the package and find some time to enjoy the contents. Also, we are young and have our whole lives ahead of us!

Missy said...

Happy Birthday!! It was so fun talking to you last week! You do have a great life and I'm glad you're taking advantage of all it has to offer! Live it up!

Katie said...

I hope you have a beautiful birthday!

Missy said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Haaaaaaaaapy Biiiiiirthday dear,
Happy Birthday to you!


Heidi said...

We're having an "ugly sweater contest" at an upcoming Valentine's dance. You're welcome to come join us! Otherwise I'll keep my eye out for that reindeer sweater you've been dreaming about. Ha ha! You are hillarious! I still owe you a birthday celebration!