I am just mentioning this because it is totally trippy. Panini had a dream last night about my three kids. Two girls and a boy, not with red hair. Of course she noted that they loved her ;) and I told her of course they will. But the funny thing is that I have had a few dreams over the last few years about my three kids too. Two girls, one boy and not with red hair. I hope the hair part is not true though...I need at least one red head! Anyway, there is all the debate about dreams being internalizations of our own wishes and thoughts, but then again sometimes they are more than just that. So who knows! Food for thought anyway--that Panini would dream about my three kids, similar to the ones I dream about~. Maybe it is like, "My Turn on Earth," and they are up there waiting on their little cloud for mom and dad to figure it out---or to meet really---doesn't that come first?! LOL.
I was SO surprised when you told me that. Bizzare!! . . . maybe I'm just super in tune with your "wishes and thoughts." (big pats on back to my subconscience)
what's your address?
What no red hair?!? Maybe that could be arranged some how. ;)
LOL. I am sure at least one of my kids will. I hope to marry someone with dark hair and have cute dark hair and red hair babies, preferably 4 or 5 :) But yeah, Panini seriously you are in tune iwth my subconscience LOL.
You want to marry someone with dark hair . . . and yet, you're a sucker for blondes! This could be a baby catastophe! ;)
ooooh, that gave me goosebumps!
Yeah, I teeter-totter between teh idea of my fate...me marrying a tall dark and handsome, or a blonde, chubby, bald man. Seems like the hot blondes are sooo elusive!
I wrote a blog:)
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