Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bears Do NOT Tip-toe

Ward campout. Bedtime 2:00 a.m. after flirting around the fire, three girls, one 1 1/2 person tent. Tent mates decide they hear bears outside our tent. Suddenly I feel a body jump on top of me. Sleeping on top of everyone else is apparently safer. Personally I think if a bear came romping into the tent they would go right for the person in the middle before the outside, but whatever. I just tried to sleep through it, but I was in and out of consciousness. Needless to say none of us got any sleep because the two of them were poised waiting for the bear, ears strained for the slightest noise. The thing is, if there really was bear, he or she wouldn't have been on their tip-toes. They don't crawl up silent as a mouse, there would have been some serious breathing, tent ripping, body snatching, and blood. But whatever. We survived and actually had quite the fun time. But seriously, reminds you of those late night babysitting adventures where you think someone is peaking in the window or you hear phantom tires in the driveway. The thing is, seriously, when you do a hear a freaky noise, that's just it, you hear it. :D


Missy said...

Tents and fires and bears, Oh My!!! Very funny. The whole to small of tent situation was my sister and I on every family camping trip. The faintest noise would make me believe that my sister and I grew out of the same sleeping bag. Everything scared her silly! But what are big sisters for anyway?

Missy said...

I just love camping (especially without kids!) and it seems like it was tons of fun even if you didn't get any sleep, but that's what campouts are all about! Some cute guys too! ;)
BTW, I just love that you have all your makeup and LIPSTICK still on in the tent for bed!!

Relaxed Cat said...

that would so have been me. simon got almost no sleep (me too) on our camping trip because of this very issue - and it's scary!! they don't tiptoe, but they're not necessarily loud...your poor scared friends!!

JMadd said...

Sounds fun... NOT! I'm scared of nature.