Saturday, November 18, 2006

I missed my calling in life...

I have always thought I missed my calling in life (jk) to be an opera-singer-stripper as I always somehow ended up being when we played M.A.S.H. at Heidi's house during slumber parties. And this confirms it!

I was lured into the "What American City are You," quiz after taking Panini's "What Type of Writer are You," quiz. And well, this confirms my suspicions about my true calling in life...I AM Las Vegas! LOL.

You Are Las Vegas
Wild and uninhibited, you enjoy all of life's vices.You're a total hedonist, especially with sex, gambling, and drinking.You shine brightly every night, but you do the ultimate walk of shame each morning.
Famous Las Vegas residents: Wayne Newton, Howard Hughes, Penn & Teller, Siegfried & Roy

What American City Are You?
Now I just need to go back and marry Ben Kayser, find my garbage can or dump truck to live in, and make my millions!


Scully said...

Apart from the whole Seven Deadly Sins aspect, I think Las Vegas fits. I got New York. And you can probably see BK at the high school reunion. Yet another reason to go.

Panini said...

That's hilarous! :) I got Boston. It said: "Both modern and old school, you never forget your roots.
Well educated and a little snobby, you demand the best. And quite frankly, you think you are the best." Which also made me laugh. (And I even picked Western states as my favorite, but I guess the verdict was overwhelming.) Ya. You're totally Vegas. And if you weren't such a "good" girl - - you'd definitely be bad. ;)
BK . . . Ah yes . . . am I the only person in our class that wasn't drawn in by his muscles and haughty attitude? Who did he end up marrying? Do we know? Wouldn't it be weird if he took over the mortuary.

Panini said...

Scully, you're totally NY. What did it say about it?

Unknown said...

Yeah, Scully, what does NY say about you? And I could totally see you as NY and Panini as Boston! LOL. What a funny thing! I wonder what our other friends would be something more conservative probably....I was wondering if SLC is on there, probably not, but I was going to DIE if I got SLC!

Scully said...

It said something about how I like the glamour and the grit and I like having access to all the arts and theatre etc. And I think BK married someone he met at college or something. And I wasn't taken in so much by the muscles (although they were nice) but by his absolutely awesome vintage Mustang. It was all about the car. And yes, I am that shallow.

Missy said...

Boston, here. Go figure. LOL. This was fun, Esperanza. No BK crush was all someone else. ;)

Unknown said...

I got over him but I always managed to get him on MASH. Him or someone like James Berry or worse...Aaron Curtright? LOL.

Unknown said...

P.S. Do you think we need to have a Christmas party and play MASH?

Panini said...

eww. Aaron Curtright. It's really great that 10 years later, MASH is still the only part of my life that would pretend I had a relationship. ya. let's play.
maybe we should add on Spin the Bottle and invite some of the guys from the class reunion

Unknown said...

LOL. You crack me up Panini!