Monday, December 12, 2005

The Place Where Computers Go to Die

I have taken to calling my bedroom, The Place Where Computers Go to Die*, because I have become a collecting spot for used computers. I inherited by brother-in-law's old Windows 98 Laptop, and then my brother's roomate's (who went on a mission) 3 year old XP, which he didn't want anymore, and then a 4 year old 98 from my parents, two printers and a scanner. Herein lies the problem. The XP had a hard drive crash, (probably from video games and music downloads the kid had on it), and I sent it to my parents who reinstalled a new hard drive, and it now lives in the geneology library in my home stake. The 98 my parents gave me works, although it doesn't have a word processor on it, (duh), but the printer won't, and the laptop I take everywhere has Word Perfect on it, and an archaic version at that! My roomates computer has 98 on it, but it mysteriously erases floppy disks. So, no matter what I do I have computer problems! If I type on the laptop, the Word Perfect docs, won't open in Word, and the XP docs from the library computers won't open in any of the 98's at my apartment! Oddly, I have had jobs fixing computers/software problems, and don't own a nice computer myself....When I am rich, a nice laptop will be the first thing I will buy! Until then, aghhghh!!!! Its amazing I get anything done!

*Spoof of the old Disney movie, Island at the Center of the Earth, which has in it, The Place Where Whales Go To Die, really quite disturbing, dead peices of whale everywhere and lots of dense fog!


Unknown said...

Guess what Santa should bring you for Christmas?

Scully said...

I feel your pain. I inherited my grandmother's 1998 e-machine. So slow! It got me through college, but recently I have been spending far too much time on the Apple website trying to decide if I want an iBook or a PowerBook when my secret trust fund comes through. The PowerBook is so capable, but the iBook is so artsy. And then the acquisition of either one would necessitate the purchase of an iPod.

Missy said...

Wouldn't that be lovely! A universally compatible laptop with wireless! My home computer is a so worn out, I think it needs two hip replacements. MR has been trying to get me a laptop of my own, but alas, I must be patient. The funds just won't allow it.

Joy said...

my laptop has had one hard drive replacement, a new cd/r and is slowly on its way out....but thanks to i was able to replace. Laptops less than 400 show up there from time to time...