The feeling you get after hot chochlate.
The feeling of wet, sandaled feet walking through cold, dewey grass.
The sensation of awe you feel at fall leaves rustling in the breeze.
The feeling of warm flannel against your skin.
The feeling of a much needed compliment from someone who knows all your weaknesses and loves you despite all of them.
The sensation of running to make the last entrance time into the British Museum.
The tug of your backpack loaded with concepts you don't quite understand but desire to learn.
The feeling of your date picking you up at the door and you are anticipating a wonderful time, and you are arrived upon just the right outfit.
An oldie-but-goodie like Oklahoma or My Fair Lady making you anticipate a ficticious life with someone as handsome as Carey Grant.
The innocence of the desire for romance you feel at 14 when boys are off limits, but you are picking out your future prom dress from a bride's magazine.
Warm, warm, and oh, so warm again, Campbell's soup that mom gives you while you are sick, tucked into the couch, with soda pop and crackers--and no school.
Okay, I should go back to bed now, and try it that way!! Love it, E!!
I can't decide if that is a mini-essay or a free form poem. It is beautiful. And I wish I had packed some flannel pajamas. Everyone in Seattle is complaining of the heat and I'm freezing. Excuse me, but only being 70 degrees at 1pm is NOT hot.
I really like the way you're writing these days
Oh, and you should set your blog up to guard against spammers like anonymous
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