I thought solar ecplises were overrated until I saw one, Sunday. It was fascinating! We drove all the way down to Kannarraville, Utah to be within the "red-lines" where you could see the complete eclipse, or ring of fire. We made a picnic out of it - which meant driving all the way down, 3 + hours, and then watching for 3+ hours, and then driving back for 3 + hours home.
picnic time! |
People parked in the middle of no-where to watch the eclipse! |
So this is just after the "ring of fire" taken with a camera through my little viewing glasses. |
This photo makes me laugh because it made me imagine we were in the 1960's out watching a space shuttle land or something! |
It was worth it. It was just a fun community type experience with the hundreds, literally, of people parked on the sides of the road out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere-Utah on picnic blankets and with telescopes and cameras, and holding up little solar glasses and x-ray papers to see the eclipse which you could not see with the naked eye. We chatted with people around us and ate potato salad and chips and bbq sandwhiches, and because we are funny single people we listened to
Total Eclipse of the Heart and
Ring of Fire while the eclipse was happening. A little girl stuck her head out of her SUV window and said, "You guys' singing really sucks." Nice.
Oh fun! Love those little road trips. We tried watching from our house. It was cloudy most of the time but we saw it for about 5 minutes. Sounds like it was worth the trip! Don't you love how kids are sO honest?
Ha ha. That is cool. I think Andy mentioned it was going on, but I was either distracted or exhausted when he told me and should have been more enthused :o)! Looks neat!
Cool cool! Love the viewing devices....
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