Tuesday, March 13, 2012

OP/Ed and the TRIB

To my public educators out there: I know what we teach in the classroom is much, much more important than just reading and writing and math. This article is for you, and me, and everyone who works hard to raise the next generation of Americans.

If you would like to read the article check out The Salt Lake Tribune, today's page A11, or www.sltrib.com, opinion section. P.S. Public education vs. private/charter schools is kind of a hot topic where I live - it's okay if you don't agree with anything I say. I was just really excited that the SL Trib picked up my article! You'll notice the article running right above mine is lifted from a New York Times writer, awesome. I'm close to something big. haha

There are a lot of comments on my article, some good some bad, but the beauty of writing is that it starts a dialogue. My favorite comment is from someone who says he was going to keep this perspective in mind as he goes to the cacususes. Yay for participating in the Democratic process.


Rena Lesué said...

Awesome! Good for you.

Missy said...

Good job! And I agree wih you. :)

Katrina said...

Your article in the Tribune was outstanding! You communicate so well. Where did all that talent come from? You are a voice that needs to be heard. Keep up the good work!

WalkConkies said...

Great article! Love it!

Relaxed Cat said...

LOVE you're doing this!

Missy said...

I loved the passion you so eloquently displayed in your article! And I agree in that getting a dialogue going between groups is a great way to get to the root of what we all want; well rounded students that have leader and cooperative abilities that are intrinsically motivated to represent the next generation in our crazy world.
Plus I love your writing style and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. ;)