You probably think I am kidding, but I'm not. I've never owned a digital camera. It's 2011 and I teach journalism for heaven's sake, and have travelled all over the world and don't own a digital camera. Granted I have cameras at my disposal to use, and I do, but I've never owned my own. Until now. I am going to break down and buy my first digital camera.
I set a pretty tough personal goal for myself a few months ago and recently accomplished it! The rewards of goal-accomplishment were enough, so I havn't rewarded myself with the camera I said I would if I conquered, but in setting new goals I realized something. If I don't actually reward myself the way I say I am going to, what will motivate me to accomplish my next goal? So now I am setting out to buy a digital camera, and I need your adivce. What do you have? What do you like? What brand, large or small do you think is the right fit?
Oh I love my camera...you will definitely love having one:)
This is your first digital camera??!! Wow! That's pretty crazy!
Well, since you love photography and taking pictures you'd probably love having a DSLR. I like Canon. I think it takes good, sharp pictures but I've never owned a Nikon and Nikon owners probably say the same thing. Go to Inkley's or Allen's and ask them.
I also have a little, cheap point-and-shoot camera that fits nicely into my pocket and takes video. Maybe someday I'll have an iPhone for this reason.
Lots of things to think about. But whenever I'm in the business of buying a new lens or equipment I research it online and then feel like I've wasted a lot of time when I can just to to the store and ask those professionals and get all your questions answered.
Sorry for the long answer! If you have any more questions just call!
I've had 2 Nikons D70 & now D300. Highly recommend any Nikon!
OOOooo! Fun shopping trip for sure. You can't really go wrong with DSLR in either brand Canon or Nikon, both take beautiful pictures completely worthy of your travels! :)
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