Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Twilight at Temple Square

The funniest things happen when you are not even trying to have fun. A group of friends and I went up to Temple Square to see the lights last weekend and we had this funny idea to make fun of peple who kiss at Temple Square while seeing the lights, so we posed for fake kissing pics. Then we decided for the first pic to think of captions and came up with: Suddenly she noticed his two, very long, very sharp, white teeth. Haha, I call it the Temple Square Twilight Picture.


Relaxed Cat said...

You are too hysterical! What an awesome idea to make fun of all those love-sick PDAers! The guy is very EdVvard! What a good sport!

Rena Lesué said...

kissing on temple square is so fun, though.

Unknown said...

There are so many places on Temple Square where I wouldn't mind being kissed, but I have actually never kissed anyone there. It's on my list of things to do! :D Haha