Saturday, April 25, 2009

Women Need Women

As I have gotten older I have realized something. It does you no good to hide your imperfections and the trials you are going through from your close friends--because we all have hardships and we need the comfort and help we receive from sharing with each other.

It's funny how when you are younger you think if you never let anyone know your trials everyone will think you have a perfect life. And maybe they will--but most of us know we are all seceretly going to things~. And it can be easy to see the successes of others and feel like we have gotten a bum rap in some ways. But I love how Elder Maxwell says we are all given trials relatively equally--they are just different. And I love how Elder Holland says that just because God is smiling at one person--does not mean He is therefore frowning at you--.

I have tried my whole life to hide my imperfections from others--but guess what? I know you can all see them--and love me anyway. And my current huge issue of getting old and single--guess what? Not something I can hide. Is it hard sometimes, yes. Am I still happy about my life? Yes.

I read a funny Hallmark card the other day that said "Friends are the people who know everything about you and love you anyway!" So true.

I think women are a gift to each other because we have the sensitivity to share and help and genuinely care about one another. I'm thankful for all of my good friends--and here is to being good enough friends to really talk to each other and share and help one another!


Missy said...

I couldn't agree more...we need each other as women! I love Elder Holland's quote. That I need to plaster to my wall! lol

Relaxed Cat said...

here! here! :) thanks, darling

Katie said...

Beautiful thoughts and so true.

JMadd said...

#1 - You're not old. I met a single lady the other day who is really cute and she's old. But you're not old.
#2 - Even though you're not old, I still know how you feel because I felt the same way.
#3 - Thanks for sharing what Elder Holland said. I needed to hear that.
#4 - I agree that sometimes you just need to get things out in the open, and friends are a good, safe place to do that.

The Gurrs said...

I am SOOO grateful that I always had you to be the person I could show all my imperfections to, and that you still loved me! I think you are amazingly wonderful! Wish I could still go on some walks around the temple with you!

Stupendousman35 said...

Women need brothers too. At least when they are as cool of brothers as me. ;)

Heather said...

Very well said, and I totally agree. I think I've always been too open about my imperfections, which isn't always a good thing either :) But I'm glad in our 'old' age we have gained the wisdom to know that we are all in this together, so we might as well help each other through all our crap! :)

WalkConkies said...

So true! I'm so thankful for your friendship. You've always been there through all of my many imperfections. I don't know how I would have survived growing up w/o you. Wow, we have so many memories - always setting goals for the next year! You amaze me! We truly are meant to help each other through all the good times and the tough alike and I love those quotes! Elder Maxwell and Elder Holland are two of my favorite speakers - they touch the heart every time! Love ya tons! Thanks for getting us all together for Cami's b-day!

Missy said...

Amen, sista! Those quotes are awesome from those apostles. We do all need each other.